Sports Injury FAQs

Sports Injury FAQs Answered by Our Chiropractor Near You

When you're dealing with an injury from sports or physical activity, we're here to help at Baca Chiropractic Services in Solomons, MD. Our team of qualified chiropractic professionals can answer questions you have about chiropractic rehabilitation, sprains, strains, ligament injuries, muscle tears, physical therapy, and more. For your convenience, we've detailed some of the most frequently asked questions we hear at our practice below. 


What Counts as a Sports Injury?

Any injury that occurs as a result of participating in sports or athletic training can be considered a sports injury. Whether you tore a ligament as a result of your athletic responsibilities or you suffered a sprain by diving for a ball, your injury is worth treating with rehabilitation techniques designed to get you back in the field, track, court, or game as soon as possible with your safety and well-being in mind.

How Do I Know if I Have a Sports-Related Injury?

Some easy ways to tell if you have a sports injury include checking in with your body and seeing if you feel pain, discomfort, or a loss of range in motion after a sporting event or practice. Sometimes symptoms of sports injuries may show up right away, while others may take years to manifest. If you suspect you have a sports injury or related concern, schedule an appointment with our office as soon as possible for us to evaluate the situation.

What Treatments Are Available for Sports Injuries and Related Conditions?

We can treat sports injuries with many of the methods we use to treat other kinds of injuries. For example, if your injury caused a misalignment in your spine, we can perform a chiropractic adjustment to get your spine back into alignment for optimal health and function. We can also use therapies like massage therapy to ease tension in the body that may build up as a result of pain from the injury. Additionally, we can provide instruction for exercises that you can do at home to increase your range of motion and lower discomfort.

How Can I Schedule an Appointment with Your Office?

To schedule an appointment related to sports injuries like sprains, strains, ligament injuries, and muscle tears or begin physical therapy at our office, call Baca Chiropractic Services in Solomons, MD, at (301) 247-4723 today.

Baca Chiropractic Services


13513 Osprey Ln,
Dowell, MD 20629


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


Limited Availability



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